

2022年7-8月暑期活動及課程 Summer Programs and Courses in July-August 2022



Summer Programs and Courses in July-August 2022

網上報名系統 Online Registration System:

網上報名系統詳細教學 Online Register Instruction:



【暑期夏令日營】請按以下連結 Please click the below link for the "Summer Camp":

暑期夏令日營 Summer Camp

獨木舟訓練課程 Kayak Training Courses

暑期興趣班 Summer Courses



【恆常訓練班】請按以下連結 Please click the below link for the "Regular Training Classes":

  • 部份課程將調整費用,各會友及學員敬請留意。Some of the course fee will be adjusted.

音樂 Music

齊看齊讀普通話 Mandarin with Fun

創意畫班 Art and Painting Class

球類班 Ball Games Class

芭蕾舞班 Ballet Class

跆拳道班 Taekwondo Class

幼兒及兒童體操班 Gymnastic Class

瑜伽班 Yoga Class

水中運動治療班 Aquatic Sports Class 



【游泳班】請按以下連結 Please click the below link for the "Swimming Classes":

游泳班報名程序 Procedures of Swimming Classes 

泳池開放時間 Opening Hours of the Pool



如有查詢可致電2540 0526或短訊至Whatsapp 9052 8098。 

For enquiry, please call 2540 0526 or message to Whatsapp 9052 8098.