



因應政府防疫措施及為減少病毒傳播風險,2022年1月7日 (星期五) 至2月3日(星期四),本會所所有課程及活動將會暫停


1. 所有康體設施暫停開放。所有訓練課程及活動暫停,有關課堂順延或退費安排將稍後通知。

2. 本會所辦公時間改為10:00-18:00。

3. 原訂2022年1月29日之泳班公開報名日將延期,最新消息請留意本會所網頁。

如有查詢可致電2540 0526,不便之處,敬請原諒。順祝各會友身體健康、出入平安。


In view of the latest announcement of disease prevention measures and arrangements, our Centre service will be suspended from January 7, 2022 (Friday) to February 3, 2022 (Thursday) as follows:

1. All sports and recreation facilities will be temporarily closed. All training classes/ programmes will be suspended. Postponement or refund arrangement will be announced later.

2. Our operation hour will be changed to 10:00-18:00.

3. The Swimming Class Public Application Day on January 29, 2022 will be suspended, please pay attention to the latest update on our website.

For any enquiry please call 2540 0526. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

May peace and good health be with all families.


