Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong


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Regular Training Courses (April-July 2022) 2022年4-7月恆常訓練班課程


Regular Training Courses (April-July 2022)



Apply Now! 現已接受報名


To enroll the courses, you can pay online or pay at our Centre from Monday - Sunday 10:00-18:00. If the entrance is locked, please call us at 2540 0526 to open the door. Thank you.

如未能網上付款,可於星期一至日 10:00-18:00到一樓繳費。如大堂大門鎖上,請致電 2540 0526聯絡職員為你開門,謝謝。



Please click the below link 請按以下連結:

音樂 Music

齊看齊讀普通話 Mandarin with Fun

創意畫班 Art and Painting Class

球類班 Ball Games Class

芭蕾舞班 Ballet Class

跆拳道班 Taekwondo Class

幼兒及兒童體操班 Gymnastic Class

室內小型網球 Mini Tennis Class

水中運動治療班 Aquatic Sports Class

瑜伽班 Yoga Class

瑜伽班 New Yoga Class



The actual capacity of the class will be adjust according to the latest prevention measures and arrangements under the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance.



For enquiry, please call 2540 0526. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

如有查詢可致電2540 0526,不便之處,敬請原諒。